Last Updated: 11 January 2024
Ordinance No. 2023-626
CBC (Manual) | 250.00 |
CBC Automated with platelet | 420.00 |
Platelet Count (manual) | 100.00 |
Platelet Count automated | 250.00 |
Hemoglobin determination automated | 250.00 |
Hematocrit (manual) | 100.00 |
Hematocrit determination automated | 250.00 |
Hematocrit (POCT) strips | 250.00 |
Clotting time & Bleeding time | 75.00 |
Reticulocyte Count | 350.00 |
ESR Determination | 250.00 |
Peripheral smear determination | 250.00 |
APTT (Activated Plasma Thromboplastin Time) | 800.00 |
Prothrombin Time | 800.00 |
FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) | 220.00 |
RBS (Random Blood Sugar) | 150.00 |
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test | 700.00 |
BUN Determination | 250.00 |
Cholesterol Determination | 250.00 |
Triglycerides Determination | 320.00 |
HDL Determination | 350.00 |
Lactate Dehydrogenase | 300.00 |
Lipase | 500.00 |
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase | 800.00 |
Amylase Determination | 400.00 |
Bilirubin (Direct) Determination | 400.00 |
Bilirubin (Indirect) Determination | 400.00 |
Bilirubin (Total) Determination | 400.00 |
Creatinine Kinase Determination | 650.00 |
Creatinine Determination | 300.00 |
ALT/SGPT Determination | 275.00 |
ALT/SGOT Determination | 275.00 |
Uric Acid Determination | 300.00 |
Total Protein Determination | 350.00 |
Albumin Determination | 350.00 |
Globulin Determination | 350.00 |
TPAG Determination | 750.00 |
Phosphorus Determination | 350.00 |
Alkaline Phosphatase Determination | 350.00 |
Electrolyte Studies | 300.00 |
Sodium | 320.00 |
Potassium | 320.00 |
Chloride | 320.00 |
Total Calcium | 320.00 |
Ionized Calcium | 320.00 |
Magnesium | 600.00 |
Lipid Profile Determination | 750.00 |
Glycosylated Hemoglobin Determination | 1,000.00 |
Automated Urinalysis | 250.00 |
Urinalysis | 75.00 |
Urine Ketones, Urobilinogen (10p’S) | 300.00 |
Pregnancy Test | 180.00 |
Serum Pregnancy Test | 200.00 |
Sperm Count/ Identification | 250.00 |
Fetal Occult Blood Test | 300.00 |
Stool Exam | 75.00 |
Gram Staining | 200.00 |
AFB Staining | 150.00 |
KOH WET MOUNT | 200.00 |
Culture and Sensitivity | 2,000.00 |
Water Bacteriology | 1,000.00 |
Malaria Smear (ICT) | 500.00 |
Malaria Smear | 150.00 |
T4 Determination | 800.00 |
T3 Determination | 800.00 |
TSH Determination | 900.00 |
FT3 Determination | 800.00 |
FT4 Determination | 900.00 |
RPR/VDRL (ICT) | 500.00 |
Syphilis (Quantitative) | 800.00 |
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) | 250.00 |
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (Quantitative) | 800.00 |
Hepatitis C (Quantitative) | 1,000.00 |
Hepatitis C (ICT) | 700.00 |
HAV igM | 800.00 |
H. Pylori Determination | 700.00 |
Troponin Quantitative | 1,500.00 |
Troponin ICT | 1,000.00 |
Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA) | 900.00 |
Alpha Feto Protein | 800.00 |
Prostatic Surface Antigen (ICT) | 700.00 |
Prostatic Surface Antigen (Quantitative) | 1,000.00 |
CA 125 | 1,800.00 |
CA 153 | 1,800.00 |
CA 19-9 | 1,800.00 |
CEA | 1,000.00 |
Cortisol | 1,000.00 |
D dimer | 2,000.00 |
Hepatitis B profile | 3,500.00 |
Anti Hbs | 800.00 |
HBsAg | 800.00 |
Anti Hbe | 800.00 |
Hbe Ag | 800.00 |
Anti Hbc | 800.00 |
HIV Test (ICT) | 800.00 |
HIV Test (Quantitative) | 1,000.00 |
Ferritin (seum) | 1,200.00 |
Vit B12 | 1,000.00 |
Folate | 1,000.00 |
Typhidot | 600.00 |
Dengue NS1 | 900.00 |
Dengue Dou | 800.00 |
ASO Determination | 450.00 |
Covid Antigen Test | 650.00 |
Covid-19 RTPCR (Donated) | 250.00 |
Covid-19 RTPCR (Procured) | 2,000.00 |
Rheumatoid Factor | 350.00 |